InnoBalears Services

Integration between Innovation and Strategy
There are only a few tools that European Companies have in order to compete with their competitors in countries with much lower costs. This is why innovation becomes the tool to keep on being leaders and defining trends in a sector, even if costs are higher: the customer is ready to pay the cost of innovation.

In this situation, European Companies define the trends in the development of the sector and become, more than producers of products, knowledge exporters.

To face the challenge of integrating innovation in corporate strategy InnoBalears proposes:
- Innovation policy definition (contracting, partnership, licence purchasing, patent protection) and providers research
- Design and implementation of competitive intelligence systems (state of the art analysis, monitoring, prospective, SWOT analysis)
- IT strategy definition
- Corporate Strategy Definition

Innovation Planning
To avoid coming to a standstill, organizations need to know their current situation and the wishable situation that will help them to grow in the future, as well as which resources does it count on to face the change.

To respond to these questions InnoBalears proposes:
- Diagnostics and innovation plans for companies an organizations
- Change management projects towards innovation: creativity promoting, innovative culture creation, organizational structures design to support innovation

Innovation Management
Once the current and wishable situations are known, it is not enough to have good project ideas to get to the wishable situation: project implementation requires management capacity, perseverance and robust methodologies that avoid project giving up and favour their optimal use within the organization.

To systematize innovation proceses and optimyze investments Innobalears proposes:
- Innovation management processes design and implementation
- Knowledge management processes design and implementation
- Innovation management training

Institutional support
Luckily, more and more the policy followed by the different public administrations in what refers to Innovation is designed to offer support tools to innovation in order to integrate the roles of the different agents and to potentiate individual capacities of each.

To help the leading role of public administration in what refers to Innovation, InnoBalears proposes:
- Studies and strategic innovation plans development (projects, programs and policies designing, socio-economic impact of projects and R+D policies, R+D+I planning, information society planning)
- Sectorial studies of competitiveness and corporate innovation
- Sensibilization activities within innovation
- Multi-organization projects coordination

Innovation Project Management
The point of innovation projects is not only having a good idea but also being able to make it real. For this, the company needs investment capacity, risk assuming and constant project follow-up. But normally an organization doesn’t have time to go over its day-to-day activity.

To respond the demand of people skilled to follow-up innovation projects InnoBalears proposes:
- Innovation project management office (follow-up and project controlling)
- Innovation program management office (coordination of the different innovation projects within an organization)
- Innovation projects definition anf organization
- R+D+I project financing assessment


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