Innovation Management Process

Many people think that innovating only has to do with inspiration, creativity and good ideas. But Innovation has a lot more to do with hard work, systematization, and ability to implement the good ideas that anyone can have.

With this in mind, we can define and implement in almost any organization an innovation management process, that identifies subprocesses that involve all the organization staff.

The first subprocess of innovation mamagement process is Current situation analysis, this is, try to think about the organization innovation level within its sector (this would be the "innovation degree") and its attitude towards innovation (this would be the "innovation capacity").

Once this thinking process has started, it is time to identify and priorityze the innovation projects that will improve the company situation in innovation degree and capacity.

The third step in this process is to find ways for project financing, and this ways can go through public funds, risk capital, banks, private capital and so on. Every way is worth a look.

Next, comes project execution, and you can read my october article "Innovation project management" for further information. This is about clearly defining, executing and closing projects implementation.

The project implementation can lead to some results that you might want to protect through intellectual property rights in order to guarantee the income of your investigation. How do you protect each type of result is what you have to think next.

Finally, we have the last step of letting others know how we play in our organization, this is, Innovation Difusion subprocess. The fact is that our stakeholders want to hear that the organization fights for a better society, and as Rosenberg says the results for society have now to do with force, capital and techology.

All these subprocesses make no sense if they do not come supported by a clear, simple and effective knowledge management process, that will let you know the current situation of your organization, what projects make more sense in this current situation, how can you finance them, who can execute them, how can you protect them and what story do you have to tell about them.

The Innovation Management process is not that complicated, is it?


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